Economía Lineal Vs Circular


The circular economy is a production and consumption model that seeks to maximize the use and useful life of resources, minimizing waste and waste generation. In contrast, the linear economy focuses on a “use and throw away” model, where resources are extracted, used and then discarded. At Plastimol, we understand the importance of the circular economy and that is why we are committed to a sustainable process based on this model.

Our company is dedicated to the manufacture of 100% recyclable and reusable plastic boxes, which means that they can have a second useful life after being used. In addition, we use recycled materials in the manufacturing process, thus reducing the amount of waste we generate.

Our goal is to achieve zero waste, i.e. to reduce the amount of waste we generate as much as possible and to ensure that everything we produce has a second useful life. To achieve this, we have implemented sustainable practices throughout our production process, from the choice of materials to waste management.

By using 100% recyclable and reusable packaging, we are not only helping to reduce the amount of waste we generate, but we are also helping to care for the environment. By reusing and recycling resources, we are reducing the amount of natural resources needed to produce new products, thus helping to preserve nature.

Committed to the circular economy and sustainability, we are committed to the manufacture of 100% recyclable and reusable plastic boxes. With this, we want to demonstrate that it is possible to produce in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner, and to encourage other companies to follow our example.

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